Retirement: What You Need to Know




You’ve worked hard for decades, and now that you are approaching or entering retirement, you could find yourself exposed to significant taxes without the proper strategies in place. Keep more of what you’ve built and enjoy the retirement you deserve.


This complimentary video will cover the following topics:

  • Am I on track to retire (4:35)
  • Reducing your tax bill (10:12)
  • Government benefits (18:45)
  • Protecting your nest egg (24:03)


If you’d like to discuss your personal situation and explore your financial options, feel free to book a complimentary appointment through the link below or by getting in contact with Marc at


Marc Sabourin is a Winnipeg-based Financial Advisor and Retirement Specialist with Harbourfront Wealth Management. His specialty is working with pre-retirees and retirees who are looking for retirement, investment, & tax advice. 

Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of Marc Sabourin, Certified Financial Planner, and Investment Advisor, and not necessarily those of Harbourfront Wealth Management Inc., a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund

20 Retirement Tips

When entering retirement or having recently retired, these 20 tips should be considered. A thorough retirement plan will touch on all 20.

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